Taking Care Of Pest Control

Four Steps To Get Rid Of Earwigs

26 February 2018
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Have you been seeing long, slender bugs with pincers on their back sides in various areas around your home? Chances are, the bugs invading your home are earwigs. They were named for the legend that they can burrow into your ears and eat your brain. Thankfully, this legend is false and the pests are fairly harmless. But they do contaminate your home, so you'll want to take steps to get rid of them. Read More …

2 Reasons To Utilize A Pest Control Service

23 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Having to deal with a pest infestation in your home can be a very disgusting and concerning situation when you consider just how difficult it can be to eliminate the infestation. Thankfully, pest control services can be utilized to make this task a lot less difficult. Here are two reasons to utilize a pest control professional to deal with your infestation. They Can Save You Time A major problem you can run into when dealing with pest infestations is misidentifying the pests that are running around your home. Read More …

The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Having Pets And Pests Under The Same Roof

25 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Having pets, like cats and dogs, in the house is great. Having pests in the house is not. However, having both pets and pests in the house has a mixed bag of benefits and drawbacks. As far as pest control goes, you may find these trade-offs worth it. Cats Will Chase and Kill Anything Cats are natural enemies of all rodents. If you have an issue with any member of the rodent family, your cat is likely to take care of it. Read More …

4 Mistakes To Avoid If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Home

20 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Nobody wants to find bed bugs in their home; unfortunately, it can happen to anybody and at any time. The key is knowing how to react quickly if you end up with bed bugs so that you can eradicate the problem and minimize damage. Specifically, there are a few common mistakes you'll want to be careful to avoid if you discover bed bugs in your home. Staying With a Friend or Relative Read More …

Aggravating Arachnids: Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Home

20 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Even the bravest of people can be squeamish around spiders. If you want to keep them out of your home, here are a few pest control tips you can use to stave off a spider infestation. Repair Cracks And Gaps Spiders looking for a warm place to hunt for prey may make their way into your home through holes in window and door screens or in cracks around the window frames. Read More …