
Four Ways To Keep Your Yard From Attracting Pests

12 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home is to stop them from getting near it in the first place. A home's yard, no matter its size, can provide food and shelter for pests, and it can even provide ways indoors that get around typical pest control treatments. Here's how you can keep bothersome pests away from your yard and home. Keep Piles Far From Your House Read More …

Effective Ways For Rodent Control

17 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Almost every homeowner is familiar with the uneasiness that comes with discovering rodents in their residence. In other words, they don't prepare for such experiences. Sadly, these ubiquitous pests are cunning critters who may enter a structure or home through the tiniest gap or crack. Rodents only need a small opening to access a building. These pests can contaminate meals and food handling facilities, cause extensive damage to a costly structure, and sometimes even cause power outages by nibbling on power lines. Read More …

5 Signs You Have A Rat Infestation In Your Garden

6 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you enjoy gardening and raising plants in your yard, rats can become a nightmare if you let them. A rat infestation can ruin all your hard work in a matter of days. But rats aren't just a risk to your plants and veggies. If given half a chance, rats will invade your home too. And if that happens, they could contaminate your home and your food. Are you worried that rats are running rampant in your garden? Read More …

Tips On How to Pest-Proof Your Home

9 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Pests can be a nuisance in your home. Some insects such as termites can feed on wooden pillars in your home, weakening the house structure. Others such as mice can chew on clothes and books, causing extensive property destruction. Rats and roaches also pose a health hazard because they might contaminate your food. Therefore, you must do your best to rid your house of pests. Before you call pest control experts, you should try DIY tips to control the pests. Read More …

Five Ways to Prevent Bed Bugs in Shared Housing

15 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One issue for apartment and shared housing dwellers is that no matter how careful you are, you can still end up with bed bugs if your neighbors aren't as cautious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your apartment from bed bug invasions from the neighbors. 1. Use Furniture Monitors Furniture monitors are small dishes that slip underneath the feet of your bed and other upholstered furniture. The dishes have a built in moat that surrounds the furniture leg without getting it wet. Read More …